About This Tarot Spread

The “Who has dreamed of you recently?” tarot spread is a fun and clear cut spread to use to gain insight into who may be dreaming about you. This simple five card tarot spread may surprise you with further context and can help understand the nature of someone you may know and their feelings toward you.

This is a very open ended spread that can be be surprisingly effective for gaining answers to questions you may not know to ask. This can be a very useful tool for finding information to inquire further into. A good start to a tarot reading.

To use this tarot spread focus on the question “Who has dreamed of me recently?” and shuffle the cards. Lay the tarot cards down in the numbered order.

Card 1 Person

The first card in this tarot spread represents the dreamer. This card reveals the identity of the person who has dreamt of you recently. Think of this as a description of this persons personality and or their current situation. Pay attention to this and how it relates to the second card for deeper insight into who this person is as it applies to you.

Card 2 How You Know Them

The second card in this spread represents how you know this person. This card in most cases will make reference to a situation or series of events that when considered with card 1 should provide a clear message about who this person is to you. Think of this card not necessarily as a standalone card that simply states how you know this person, but as a missing puzzle piece that will give you what you need in order for the lightbulb to switch on.

Cards 3, 4 and 5 The Dream

The cards represent the dream this person has had. In general the dream is structured in story form the beginning, the middle and the end. However this is not a rule, this 3 cards can signify real life situations or people. When looking at these three cards keep in mind what the first two have told you and read these in accordance to that. The open ended nature of the question asked may trick you into not expecting meaning to arise from the message here. The nature of tarot uses the cards to reduce the question into meaning, so always ask how this applies to you for insight.